Guided Implant Surgery - Brooklyn, NY

Dental Implant Placement Virtually Error-Free

Guided by Trusted Technology

In order for dental implants to be successful, surgery needs to be tremendously precise. With their ability to completely transform your life, we suspect you wouldn’t want anything less. Using the CHROME GuidedSMILE™ system, Dr. Saleh Elahwal can complete your dental implant placement surgery virtually free from error. With this technology, we can extensively map out your surgery to ensure efficiency, precision, and stability of placement—with highly predictable results. This precision placement also commonly allows us to both place your implants and attach a temporary restoration in a single appointment at our Brooklyn, NY office. Dr. Elahwal uses this technology to bolster their already extensive experience in dental implant surgeries. Dr. Elahwal has over two decades of experience in dentistry and is an active member of the International Conference of Oral Implantologists. The Dental Art Care team has the experience and your best interests and health in mind!

dr elahwal cleaning

A New Smile with Guided Surgery

Our dental implant treatment process begins with a cone beam CT scan of your mouth, including your teeth and bone. Using these high-precision 3D images, we plan out your dental implant surgery, taking care to verify their stability and esthetic qualities. Next, we’ll design a customized implant template in our advanced software program before fabricating a surgical guide with our in-house 3D printer. On the day of your surgery, we’ll remove any remaining unsalvageable teeth before positioning the surgical guide snugly in your mouth. This guide almost looks like a plastic retainer but is incredibly strong and has round openings that perfectly fit the dental implant post and drill. We’ll next insert the dental implants through these openings, ensuring a precision angle and depth of placement with the guide. You’ll leave this visit with a strong, fully functional temporary prosthesis you can use like normal. You’ll return for your permanent teeth, whether single or full arch dental implants or implant supported dentures once the treatment site is fully healed in 3-6 months.

Benefits of CHROME Guided Implant Surgery?

  • Precision placement of implants
  • Efficient and fast surgery
  • Fewer appointments needed
  • Better long-term results
  • Faster healing after surgery

Successful implant surgery is here.

dental patient smiling after implants procedure Brooklyn, NY